🗻HAKU Tokenomics
Ticker: HAKU
Contract Address: 0x695Fa794d59106cEbd40ab5f5cA19F458c723829
Chain: Avalanche
Total Tokens: 100,000,000 HAKU
Haku Emissions
Allocated To | Amount | Months to Emit |
Farming Rewards | 35,000,000 | 48 |
NFT Rewards | 5,000,000 | 48 |
xHAKU Rewards | 15,000,000 | 48 |
Ecosystem - Vested | 18,575,000 | 48 |
Preminted HAKU
Allocated To | Amount | Months to Vest |
Liquidity Generation | 1,250,000 | Immediate |
Team Treasury | 8,000,000 | 8 months |
Ecosystem | 775,000 | Immediate |
Initial Liquidity | 625,000 | Immediate |
Trade Mining Rewards | 15,000,000 | 48 months |
Emissions Schedule
Haku Emissions are set to automatically decrease by 5% per month to farming, staking, xHAKU, and ecosystem rewards.
HAKU emissions begin at 2.1088039 HAKU per second and eventually decrease to 0.2686796 HAKU per second roughly 4 years later on day 1,440.
A complete chart of the HAKU emissions can be found here
Last updated